/* basic scrollbar styling */ /* vertical scrollbar */ .mCSB_container { width: auto; margin-right: 30px; overflow: hidden; } .mCSB_container.mCS_no_scrollbar { margin-right: 0; } .mCS_disabled > .mCustomScrollBox > .mCSB_container.mCS_no_scrollbar, .mCS_destroyed > .mCustomScrollBox > .mCSB_container.mCS_no_scrollbar { margin-right: 30px; } .mCustomScrollBox > .mCSB_scrollTools { width: 16px; height: 100%; top: 0; right: 0; } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerContainer { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; height: auto; } .mCSB_scrollTools a + .mCSB_draggerContainer { margin: 20px 0; } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail { width: 3px; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger { cursor: pointer; width: 100%; height: 30px; } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar { width: 3px; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonUp, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonDown { display: block; position: relative; height: 20px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 auto; cursor: pointer; } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonDown { top: 100%; margin-top: -40px; } /* horizontal scrollbar */ .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_container { height: auto; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 30px; overflow: hidden; } .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_container.mCS_no_scrollbar { margin-bottom: 0; } .mCS_disabled > .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_container.mCS_no_scrollbar, .mCS_destroyed > .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_container.mCS_no_scrollbar { margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 30px; } .mCSB_horizontal.mCustomScrollBox > .mCSB_scrollTools { width: 100%; height: 16px; top: auto; right: auto; bottom: 0; left: 0; overflow: hidden; } .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_scrollTools a + .mCSB_draggerContainer { margin: 0 20px; } .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail { width: 100%; height: 2px; margin: 7px 0; } .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger { width: 30px; height: 100%; } .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar { width: 100%; height: 4px; margin: 6px auto; } .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonLeft, .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonRight { display: block; position: relative; width: 20px; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 auto; cursor: pointer; float: left; } .mCSB_horizontal > .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonRight { margin-left: -40px; float: right; } .mCustomScrollBox { -ms-touch-action: none; /*MSPointer events - direct all pointer events to js*/ } /* default scrollbar colors and backgrounds (default theme) */ .mCustomScrollBox:hover > .mCSB_scrollTools { opacity: 1; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail { background: #eee; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar { background: #999; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger:hover .mCSB_dragger_bar { background: #999; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger:active .mCSB_dragger_bar, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger.mCSB_dragger_onDrag .mCSB_dragger_bar { background: #999; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonUp, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonDown, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonLeft, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonRight { /*background-image:url(mCSB_buttons.png);*/ background-repeat: no-repeat; opacity: 1; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonUp { background-position: 0 0; /* sprites locations are 0 0/-16px 0/-32px 0/-48px 0 (light) and -80px 0/-96px 0/-112px 0/-128px 0 (dark) */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonDown { background-position: 0 -20px; /* sprites locations are 0 -20px/-16px -20px/-32px -20px/-48px -20px (light) and -80px -20px/-96px -20px/-112px -20px/-128px -20px (dark) */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonLeft { background-position: 0 -40px; /* sprites locations are 0 -40px/-20px -40px/-40px -40px/-60px -40px (light) and -80px -40px/-100px -40px/-120px -40px/-140px -40px (dark) */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonRight { background-position: 0 -56px; /* sprites locations are 0 -56px/-20px -56px/-40px -56px/-60px -56px (light) and -80px -56px/-100px -56px/-120px -56px/-140px -56px (dark) */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonUp:hover, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonDown:hover, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonLeft:hover, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonRight:hover { opacity: 1; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonUp:active, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonDown:active, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonLeft:active, .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_buttonRight:active { opacity: 1; filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=100)"; /* old ie */ } .ka_one1 { position: absolute; top: 266px; left: 60px; } .ka_one2 { position: absolute; top: 266px; left: 912px; } /* falv */ .falv { width: 1000px; height: 577px; background: url(../Images/fa.jpg); margin: auto; } .falv_ka { width: 794px; height: 466px; background-color: #f0f2f7; position: absolute; top: 138px; left: 280px; } .kaka { width: 200px; height: 71px; color: #244a97; font-size: 26px; margin-left: 86px; margin-top: 23px; } .kaka_size { width: 621px; height: 303px; margin-left: 86px; margin-top: 23px; overflow: hidden; } .kang { color: #247CD1; width: 505px; } .om { width: 595px; } .hao { width: 1000px; height: 577px; margin: auto; background: url(../Images/kam.jpg); } .sm { position: absolute; background-color: #ecf0f6; width: 845px; left: 255px; height: 488px; top: 127px; } .my { height: 50px; margin-left: 56px; width: 162px; height: 71px; color: #244a97; font-size: 24px; width: 115px; margin-top: 44px; } .liang { height: 289px; width: 738px; margin-left: 54px; } .cheng { width: 82px; height: 239px; margin-top: 38px; float: left; } .cheng li { line-height: 30px; color: #244a97; font-size: 16px; } .b { width: 80px; height: 2px; background-color: #244a97; } .ch { width: 82px; height: 96px; margin-top: 38px; float: left; margin-left: 35px; } .ch li { line-height: 30px; color: #244a97; font-size: 16px; } .c { width: 65px; height: 2px; background-color: #244a97; } .cg { width: 82px; height: 256px; margin-top: 38px; float: left; margin-left: 35px; } .cg li { line-height: 30px; color: #244a97; } .h { font-size: 12px; color: #244a97; } .z { font-size: 16px; color: #244a97; } .ps { width: 82px; height: 214px; margin-top: 38px; float: left; margin-left: 35px; } .ps li { line-height: 30px; color: #244a97; } .vs { font-size: 12px; display: block; color: #244a97; } .cs { width: 73px; height: px; margin-top: 38px; float: left; margin-left: 28px; } .cs li { line-height: 30px; color: #244a97; font-size: 16px; } .ns { width: 136px; height: 239px; margin-top: 38px; float: left; margin-left: 48px; color: #244a97; font-size: 12px; } .ns li { line-height: 30px; } .de { color: #244a97; } .chka { width: 82px; height: 96px; position: absolute; top: 153px; left: 707px; } .chka li { line-height: 30px; color: #244a97; font-size: 16px; }